Today is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!! Spring is indeed in the air. I love when color starts returning to the earth again in its beautiful forms and textures.
Today I pointed out a tree to Zachery, it was FULL of white blossoms. It was breathtaking, I so wished I had my camera with me. I said "Look at all that popcorn on that tree." I was just about to sing the popcorn song to him when he said "No, that's not popcorn." So I asked him what he thought it was; thinking, he is getting to smart and he will exclaim that they are just flowers. Instead he surprised me and told be they were marshmallows. It was just too cute. So we continued our drive home pointing out all the marshmallow trees. Our neighbor has a beautiful tree that is full of lavender blossoms right now. So when we pulled into the drive way, I pointed it out and he said they were painted marshmallows.