Life in the Wight House

Monday, November 17, 2008

Cute Kid #1 - a little about RJ

I’m not very good at words but I wanted to describe my kids as best as I could to remember the little the things. I’ve talked to many mothers recently and they all say keep a journal, keep a journal! You won’t remember even if you believe you will. I’ve never been good at journal keeping but I am pretty good at trying to capture things with my camera. However some of the littlest things can’t be captured on camera. And since I don’t have a journal, I do have a blog that I use much like I would use a family journal. So with all that said her is a little about RJ, cute kid #1.

RJ with our neighbor, Beth. The kids called her Grandma and she loved it. She just recently moved to be closer to her kids. We will miss her.

RJ loves to learn. He gets excited whenever he discovers something new. He enjoys educational books especially about bugs and science related things. He enjoys story telling and often dictates books for me to write down. He has made a few “learning” books, as he alls him.

I’ve tired to get him to practice writing his letters, first step in being able to write his stories himself. He will work on a letter for a short time and usually gets discouraged and gives up. When things don’t work out the way he expects them to he usually gives up. He can get so frustrated with the little things. He thinks everything has to be perfect. And if he can’t make it perfect he gets upset and moves on to something else.

RJ seems to have things set in his mind a certain way. When things don’t go as he plans we are in for a melt down. When he is in a good mood we can usually talk our way out of experiencing a melt down but if he is even the slightest bit tired, good luck talking sense into him. After and few minutes of time out or quite time to calm down a bit he is back to his happy creative self.

RJ has really been into drawing lately. He has covered the house in all kinds of pictures from various scenes. This summer the house was all labeled, in October we had scary pictures everywhere, this week he is into Indiana Jones and we have Indiana Jones pictures everywhere.

I enjoy his creativity and try my best to feed and encourage it. I write down his stories and allow him to cover my walls with scribbled drawings. But he can do these two things non-stop if I keep encouraging him, and I get burned out writing down his random rabbles. This kid can talk non stop. At the dinner table we are always tell him the stop talking and eat. We are all usually done with our dinner before he has even taken a bite, all because he is busy talking instead of chewing.

RJ loves playing computer games. He is a whiz on the computer and has even taught me a few things, scary!

He is very loving, always quick to give a hug or a kiss. He hates it when we get upset at him. He has very tender feelings and the slightest raised voices can make him cry and need a hug to reassure that yes, we still love him. He is very quick to say Sorry, most of the time.

He is so excited to have a new sibling and is of course hoping it is a boy. He is always kissing my tummy and saying he loves his “new baby brother” He is already a very good big brother to Savannah. He does very well sharing with her and letting her have things when she starts throwing a fit. He is extremely protective of her. I already shared a few stories about that in a pervious post.

Overall RJ is a very tender hearted kid. He can get worked up with the littlest things. He seems to have these ideas on how the world should work and when it doesn’t he falls apart. He is very loving, a huge talker, and quick to observe. We are glad to have him in our family.

He wants to be like Daddy and build things. He says he is going to be a builder when he grows up. Here he is fixing the dishwasher, just like Daddy has been doing for the past few weeks.

RJ's Tatoo. Just like Papa Wight.

RJ often walks around with one sock on. He says he has a peg leg like a priate.


Geniel Bartley said...

Great Idea of writing about the children wish I had done it when you and your sibblings where going up.
You wiil be happy you have this blog to look back on when they start asking you question about thier childhood.


Aleena said...

So cute! RJ is quite a character! Andso smart!