Life in the Wight House

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


When I was younger we didn't have any pets, except fish. I was terrified of both dogs and cats and anything with claws. One of my best friends when I was younger had a cat and she used to try to get me to hold it. I always refused and jumped away anytime the cat came near. I visited a cousin in Utah once, who had tons of animals. I remember sleeping at their house and waking up to a bunch of cats sleeping at the top of my head. It was still early and no one was up yet but I couldn't get myself to lay back down and go to sleep with the cats there.
Dog of course can be very scary creatures. And even though I have a dog I am still timid around a few. When I was younger I was attacked my a Malamute Husky. Not a big attack or anything, he just jumped on me for being on his property. Scared me to death. I have been bitten by little ankle bitter dogs. I remember in College visiting a guys parent's house and they had a little ankle bitter dog. I was so terrified by the dog I felt like a fool. But I kept my legs up on my chair all through dinner.
Sometime before High school, my fear of cats disappeared and I begged my parents for one. They eventually gave in. We got the cutest kitten from our neighbor and my dad named is Norman. Lucky for me, he was a mellow cat. From that time on I became a cat person and adored must cats. Sometime in High School the cat disappeared and my mom never let us have another pet beside fish.
Once I was married I begged Jared for a cat. He gave in and we got a cute little black kitten from a friend. His tail was bent into a hook so we named him Hook.
Well that little cat soon became the cat from Hell. He refused to be litter box trained and had no desire of being an outdoor cat. He wasn't ever loving and cuddly either. One afternoon it disappeared. We had left it outside in hopes of training it is be outside and we left for the afternoon. When we came back the Hook was gone and never returned.
Jared said no more cats. But after we moved to our first house I talked him into it again. We got two kitty this time. They were outdoor cats from the start. That was the only way to get Jared to agree. But after a week these two kitties were gone again. We believe the were cat napped.
So we gave up on kitties and had babies and fish.
Until we moved again. RJ was getting very timid around dogs and I didn't want him to be as fearful as I was. So we got Miss Sally as a reward for potty training. He wanted a dog that could play fetch. Unfortunately, Sally didn't play fetch. But she was sweet and mellow, just what I needed to adjust to being a dog person.
Sally has been great. I am not as scared around dogs anymore and RJ and Savannah aren't too fearful either. Savannah probably loves her more then anyone. She is our animal lover. RJ could care less about her until recently I told him we will have to get rid of her when we moved. He has seemed to grow more attached and doesn't want to say good bye. Although I have become attached to Sally, she is a great dog, I have learned I am NOT a dog person. Jared, I have learned is neither a dog or cat person. He is a fish person and that is it. Although I am sure he prefers dogs over cats.

So what is the point of this. Well, I have decided that we will eventually have a kitty in our life again whether Jared likes it or not. The other day, as we walked home from the post office, our neighbor's kitty came out to greet us. Both kids wanted to hold it. Surprising, the kitty let them pick it up.

The cat got away and the kids chased after it. Savannah just about hopped the fence to get it. Seriouly, after this picture she put her leg up over the fence and I had to grab her and take her off the fence.
The kitty did come back, and Savannah was able to pick it up again. She had it by the sides and I was just waiting for the kitty to attack. It finally reached over and bit one of Savannah's hands and she let go but still had the cat by it's other side. The kitty then bit her other hand causing her to let go completely. The cat got away. And even though Savannah was bit, it didn't phase her at all and she went chasing after the cat and calling it to come back.

Then she got it again and this time I got a picture
The cat just hung there and I had to safe it. I was so surprised it didn't attack. The finally time Savannah picked up the cat, she got a hold of it the right away and gave it hugs and kisses.

RJ cooed over it as well and really wanted to hold it. Savannah was nice enough to pass it off and RJ adored the kitty as well. It was really cute.

I have decided that someday we will have a cat in out lives again. The kids seem to like them better then dogs and I do to. Of course things might change when the kids get clawed by one. But hopefully that won't happen.


Katie said...

The picture of Savannah and the upside down cat is HILARIOUS!!! LOL!

Lisa said...

How funny, seeing the kids paun over the cat. That's just what Jamison would do!

Aleena said...

What a fun post on pets. Yes I was just like you, we never had anything but goldfish growing up except for a few years when we had two rabbits but they just stayed in their cage and weren't very friendly so I didn't have much to do with them. I am definitely a cat person and not a dog person. I like that cats (with rare exceptions) are innately potty trained and when they are outdoor cats you don't have to do anything but feed them twice a day. And the ones I have had in my married life have been nice and cuddly enough and great with kids. I am NOT a dog person, I much prefer animals who bury their own small poop, not animals who leave big droppings all over for you to pick up and they pee everywhere to mark their territory. Great pictures of the kids with the cat. :)

Jenn said...

I too am a cat person! I love our dog, but she is too needy and is much more work than I am sometimes willing to put out (Mike does most of the work w/her!) But I have two cats, Sage and Storm...they are brother and sister, and are 8 and 1/2 years old. I've had them since they were baby kittens, and they are my babies! I will be devastated when I lose them. Cats are the right mix of cuddly and independent for me. I can love on them on MY terms! Unlike Cookie who follows me around and puts her head in my lap as soon as I sit down. It's very sweet, but can get annoying...I know it sounds horrible :P